Our country is out of CONTROL ! ! !😢


                                                 "This is the best statement of all times" 

I have gotten to the point in my life @ 65 yrs old that our country is in a
down hill slide & from what I have been seeing it's not going to be fun 
or easy, They are 
not going to change course till they put OUT.

The Democrats has to be TAUGHT A LESSON in they WORK FOR US
 the PEOPLE of AMERICA  needs to hold them ACCTIABLE in VOTES 
The NATION of the UNIVERSE must do what our ancestors did in X's
when they had to FIGHT FOR THEIR FREEDOM like we are in NOW.

People don't realize that when they vote for ANY GOV'T that effects 
you, me, your friends, your family, your kids, grand children, EVERY 1
in every state, city, county, & after it's a done deal it's too late to fix it.

I want to share some videos with you about just how it effects every 1
in what the GOV'T does when you have Biden Or Fetterman in office 
this was like 8 mons ago with the peoples convoy in BALTIMORE MD.

This video tells you a lot about how Gov't works for the peopleLISTEN 
I pray every night for the AMERICAN PEOPLE that God gave us this
land to prosper & PROTECT, not to destroy & divide, & or fight with.

This video SHOULD wake everyone who watch it to the very end hear 
what your not being told, & make a stand to be heard & let them know 
you have a say, you have a back bone, & you have a right to KNOW. . .

This was just a few days after the midterm election of 2022 & this is how 
things have went since the last video you just watched above this 1, & it's 
amazing how bad it's gotten to how BAD it's going to be for this nation.

What Tulsa Gabbard said says it all on it's not about what LETTER a
person has attached to their name, it's what "you & the constitution"
stand for as a AMERICAN CITIZEN ! ! ! I hope this is sinking in. 🤔

This video was 4 wks ago & hear what they had to say on the the way
things are going, & this is why I say our country is out of CONTROL 
Our $ is being taken away from us faster than we can get it in our hands.

People this is how elections matters to every 1 young & old brown white 
green or purple it DOESN'T MATTER we're ALL IN THIS TOGETHER 
If you don't know who to vote for goggle their names & research them.

STOP BEING SO LAZY & in-DEPENDENT on what's going on around
you, get educated & get a lesson on other peoples consequences & Gov't 
if we just la-la-gag with politics & our lives what's the point in living ?

Hannity is the person that tells it right, he doesn't run around the bush 
he brings the people who are for the laws of the people & stand up to 
fight for what's right, he's not on either side but the AMERICAN SIDE.

This is why I said earlier about is your life worth living or fighting for 
when the time comes to vote for who runs the country & makes all
the Laws for you to follow, cause from what I seen this election, I'm lost.

Well that's all I have for now, I hope something has gotten to you for how 
the Gov't has treated people over the years & what your vote means to 
others, & how American people are effected by how things are done.



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