As if things couldn't get worse, THINK AGAIN
As 2020 winds down as the worst year yet, here it is election year
That everything under the sun has went wrong across the states
from the virus to the shooting of George Floyd to rioters & looters
terrorizing certain states to protesters killing people & police.๐
1000's of people dying from the virus (covid-19) & as the year is
just about @ the end of it's course the election takes the cake on
how bad it can get when you lest expect it to the decisive left shows
just how crude & left they really are by cheating with the election.
The past 6 months has been a real frigging clown show from the
just how lowlife the Democrats really are, showing their TRUE
COLORS with how they can get away with everything they do
instead of me telling you I'll share some videos for you to watch.
You tell me how can ANY 1 vote for some 1 like this & sleep @ night
when Trump has spent 4 HARD LONG YRS making America better
than it has EVER BEEN in the past 50 yrs along with dealing with
all the crazy crap the Democrats have done to get him out of office.
It all started the 1st year Trump announced he was running for
president & all hell broke lose from there with all sorts of things
from the left & they hammered Trump like a bug on the wall &
has been a real side show that showed the true colors of the dems
This is just how crazy the left really is & how bad they hate Trump & will
do anything they can conjure up to get Trump out of office from the get go
This wasn't long after Trump got in office & they had a power match on
everything the left didn't want done, so it didn't go anywhere with them.
rather you agree or disagree that's your right, but I TOTALLY AGREE
with what Trump said on everything about building the wall, listen close.
You may agree or may not agree with me, but from everything that's been
going on in 2020 this has been the worse year since 9-11 & the election is
has been the straw that broke the camels back, & it is a sad time for us.
If You haven't been keeping up with everything that's been going on from
day 1 when Trump got into office & watched the debate your in for a BIG
shocker of why a lot of us AREN'T VERY HAPPY about the election ๐
& to add insult to injury there's a lot of people glad & cheering his loss.
The comments on the Video is slap insane how people are talking about
how their glad he's going to be out of the white house, I'm sure not & to
be honest can't believe how Biden can win other than by CHEATING.๐
as I posted the 1st video on here on what he said, how is it he's WON?
that I will put on here for you to watch & get the full truth about all this
everything you need & want to know about what's going on around you.
If you're not prejudice & want to know the truth then here's 2 GOOD
people who will give you the truth about what's going on straight up
I'm not 1 to SETTLE with the outcome of this so called election "fraud"
This is slap crazy, this video shows just how crazy people really are about
what is going on around them to say what they say & not have any clue as
to what America can become if the wrong person gets in office as president.
happening against the very president that has made America strong again
where Biden & the democrats have torn America down to it's knees for yrs.
didn't get enough of the left when all the jobs left & the immigration took
all our resources maybe it's me but I don't think it is @ 63 yrs old I've been
around long enough to KNOW & SEE what the nation has went through.
weak, where 1 will throw you UNDER the bus & the other will pick you up.
deal with or want to know if your for the left & don't want to learn or get
the truth about what's right & wrong & for those that are still here thank U.
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