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This is the gov't that has been screwing America

 Will Johnston is saying the same thing I knew was  going to happen & all the lies & cheating & stealing to bring Americans down on our knees. video B-low. MEDIA NOT TALKING ABOUT THE BORDER - This has been going on for the longest time that it should have been SOLVED BY NOW but as we can all see, it's not & we're all getting the shaft. When Biden got in office we knew what he was  up to & now it's going into 2024 election & we  are all about getting Biden out of OFFICE ! ! ! We are looking at putting Trump back in office  so we can put all this Biden crap OUT of office  where Trump had us when the dems cheated.

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The life we create for ourselves

Our country is out of CONTROL ! ! !😢

Be aware & afraid of what's ahead


What does our future look like 5-10 yrs from now ?

Things are spiraling down hill

Lord help us ALL ! !

videos on what the Gov't is doing to America 😢