DON'T FRET, DON'T GET STRESSED it's just the new norm of life
This is the Only way I can think of to let off some steam B-4 I blow a gasket...
I don't know what you think about what is going on or if you pay any attention
to what's going on, but I do & if you don't, I think it's about time you START.
This has got me so crazed I can't stand it & the only thing I know to do is write
about it & PRAY SOMEONE listens, cause other wise it's just dead space & I'm
not into dead space when it comes to what the Gov't is doing to every 1 of us.
People, if this doesn't blow your ever loving gourd I don't know what
will, I'm so out of my mind over everything that I've been hearing &
watching on the news I feel like I'm going back in time all over again.
You may feel different than what I do about this kind of stuff & I
sure would like to hear what you think about what's going on in your
head cause with the comments I've been seeing some people is NUTS.
I watch the news like a cat stalking a meal, & let me just say this, I'm
glad I do cause it's CRAZY 💩CRAP like what I'm going to share with
you on here is why I watch the news like I do or I'd never know of it.
I'm 63 years old & has been through the ringer most my life that HAS
ME on edge with how things go day to day & stressed so much I get
on my OWN NERVES, That's why I have to have a place to let it out.
I have 3 different blogs I work with for all different things cause
I feel at peace when I get things off my chest & out of my head
Cause I have no 1 to really talk to about what's bothering me in life.
So I have to have a outlet of some sort where I can let things go
& the best place for me is here where I can get back my peace
of mind & my insanity B-4 I lose what mind I have left in all this BS.
What I will be sharing with you on here is Videos with all the crazy
off the wall, insane, bazaar insanity, the Gov't can torture us with
to control & destroy us B-4 some 1 or something takes them OUT.
If you are not willing to learn & connect with where this world is
heading I suggest you go crawl under a rock & not come up for
air cause all it tells me is your living in a fantasy world that's FAKE.
I'm 1 that tells it like I see it & don't give 2 cents about what any 1
else thinks, that thinks I'm nothing but hot air blowing out my rear
I'm not bonkers, I'm not off my rocker, I'm not a crazy person.! !
What I am is MAD AS HELL ! pissed to no end ! stressed out beyond
over the TOP & the longer this crap goes on there's going to be a
LOT MORE that will be right along with me ! ! going off the deep end.
I can hear people saying "DON'T LISTEN TO THE NEWS" that's not
going to solve or FIX anything, so you can stop saying that or even
thinking it cause all that does is piss me off even more than I am.
If that's your way of ignoring what's going on then you're not in
touch with reality & you'll be the 1 left without a clue as to what's
going on & how to get through it by yourself without any help.
Life isn't what it use to be back in the days where we could
do whatever we wanted go when & where we wanted, be who
we wanted, say what we wanted, all that is long gone from us.
Now it's turned into what the GOV'T TELLS YOU TO DO & HOW
WHEN & WHERE cause THEY SAY SO ! we don't have a say in
our lives anymore cause of WHO PUT THIS GOV'T In OFFICE.
Now that I've gotten that off my chest let me SHOW YOU
just what I'm talking about & just how crazy all this stuff is
getting so you know I'm not off my rocker or off the wall.
Video # 1 > President Biden's latest tax scheme Video # 2 > Because of Joe Biden, it's that simple Video # 3 > Texas deploys National troops to southern border Video # 4 > Americans will be living this new normal Video # 5 > Are YOU Terrified of What's Coming? Video # 6 > vaccine mandate results in walkouts Video # 7 > Over Inflation, Spending Crazy As It Is Video # 8 > secretive flights for illegal immigrants Video # 9 > Biden and Pelosi spending plan Video # 10 >INFLATION: Just How Bad Are We Talking?
There's 10 TOP REASONS why you should be paying attention to the news, not because there's nothing you can do about it but to prepare for the new world you'll be LIVING IN so you can get your loved 1's ready & not be caught under a rock not knowing at all.
Am I paranoid? am I worried? am I scared? what do you think? I've been working on getting things stocked up for a few years but I'm NO WHERE CLOSE to everything me & hubby needs but when you live on a fixed income there's not a lot you can do.
But that also means you don't just do without either & let things go without trying to survive like everyone else is doing to get through the hell they are putting on us, that's not right or fare it's our CIVIL LIBERTIES & RIGHTS GOD GAVE US to SURVIVE.
Rather you believe that or not that's on you, but I'm just saying if you don't pay attention & take action on the things YOU CAN DO TO BE PREPARED THEN YOU HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME there's no 1 that can help you or save you but yourself in this.
I can share videos that show you how to prepare & all that but you have to be the 1 to take action & not be scared to try cause it's YOU'RE LIFE NOT ANY 1 ELSE'S THAT SHOULD MATTER.
This video here ought to get you worked up to do the same as everyone else is doing so I suggest you take the time to watch it cause they KNOW WHAT'S ON THE WAY & not waiting for it either. PANIC BUYING IS STARTING the ball is in your hands don't lose out.
Prepper Pantry List
Urban Survival Skills to Learn
20 foods that will last forever
Emergency Stockpile Tips
I hope this was a wake up call for you to get ready for what's heading
to your town, city, state, area no matter where you call home at or live
cause it's not going to make a bit of difference as crazy as this sounds.
Just know the ball is in your hands to do what you can the best
you got to do with, I'm doing all I can to spread the word to all
that will listen cause we're ALL IN THIS MESS TOGETHER & it's
our country they are destroying along with our way of living too.
Thank You for stopping by to learn what is going on around the
world we live in I hope you share this with others to let them
know what's going on like it's said sharing is caring stay safe.
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