Money isn't the root of all evil-PEOPLE are
$ is not the root of ALL EVIL, but what is, are the people
that use it in the wrong way... drugs, liquor, gambling, &
other wrong choices they do with it & always stay broke.
They buy things they think they need or want & a few days
later they feel like why did I buy that? & throw it away or
give it to a good will store, or someone they may know.
I know what it feels like to be broke where I couldn’t buy
a lot of stuff like food, toilet paper laundry soap dish soap
& I had to find ways to get through pay check to pay check.
So how did I get through each month to keep the things we
needed every month? I poured ½ my laundry soap into a
empty bottle & hid it & dish soap I’d do the same way.
So, when we run out of 1 or the other, I get 2 extra bottles
so, if I don’t have enough to get through the month I have
some hidden away to get us by till we can get some more.
I replace what I use in the bottles I hide away for when I run
low & the same for Toilet paper I use a ½ roll & save the other
½ & when you're out of all the full rolls, you're not completely
OUT, them ½ rolls is a life saver! It does the trick in a
Pinch. That’s the best way I know to stay ahead of life.
People don’t always think outside the box like I do & just
go buy a bottle & use it all up & you're in between pay cks
just not a good way to save money, BUT people are people.
Now here we are in a BAD SITUATION all across the globe
where things are getting short & expensive & hard to get &
people are not sure what to do when they have no $ to live on.
Energy Crisis Goes From Bad To Worse <video this is the new normal 😢
I would suggest that you put your priorities in order with
how to survive what's ahead I have a good list of things
you can & should do if & while you can to get ahead of it.
Emergency Stockpile Tips <video This was in Aug & look at where
things are at now, if you do your research on how to prep
for the things to come & think about what you need helps.
20 foods that will last forever <video we have to be on our toes when
it comes to preparing for hard times when things go down hill
we can't depend on the Gov't to help we have to do it ourselves.
There's some or maybe a lot of people that can't prepare for the
hard times ahead & they will more than likely need help of a
neighbor or family or friend to lend them some help is that you?
Some may not even be aware of what's going on & have no
idea what to do & that's not good either take time to see if
they are aware or has anyone that can help them if you can't.
We all have to be able to step up in helping others rather you
like it or not, neighbors helping neighbors, families helping
families, friends helping friends, it's the best way to survive.
supply chain breakdowns <video We all have to stick together &
do our part in life to help each other sharing is caring put
yourself in a persons shoes on what their living with in life.
Thank You for stopping by & engaging in this blog, I hope
you found it interesting to share with others to help them
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