What is our world becoming?

I have to say the more things keep happening like they are, the worse things seem to get
I have been  keeping my eyes & ears on alert for everything that's been going on since
day 1 of 2020 & since trump got into office & it seems like there's just no end in sight.

I have my thoughts & every 1 else has theirs about what's going on what they 
THINK will happen, but NONE of us really know for sure, with the way things
are going from this post on really has me wondering what the hell is next 4-us all?

If you want to learn & know more just take the time to look at the comments on
the Video's & the posts I put on here cause THERE'S a lot MORE to learn that
sure wouldn't hurt to read & understand what other people are saying about it all.

Tell me I'm calling it right, just look where this is ALL going 4-the future😞
I'm 62 yrs old & was born in the 50's & back then we could stay up late & 
not worry about such things as this & over the yrs it has been getting WORSE.

Things are turning for the worse everyday & just from MY prospective on it
If we don't think about WHAT we're doing NOW our WHOLE FUTURE is
gonna be in Jeopardy just cause we don't like who's in the white house NOW.

Our lives are at stake & our FUTURE kids after US is as stake of how the people
of TODAY is turning our world into a world of destruction & demonic hatred 2-wards
each other & making EVERY 1's lives uneasy- uncertain & confusing & entrusting.

Just like the Title says "I knew something like this would happen"
it's just like the movie the PURGE & if you haven't seen that movie I suggest
you take time to watch it & you will be working towards paying MORE ATTN
to what's going on around you & be watching MORE of what's going on in life.

Folks this ISN'T a joke, this is VERY REAL! ! !  this is what happens without 
any cops to protect you in the time of need of a major out break of violence in
a area near or around you in ANY state, this is not going away till TRUMP 
steps in to MAKE it STOP just like the wall to stop the Immigrants coming in.

Times are getting rough, it's life or death to every 1 on this earth that's not for 
the AGENDA! ! !  Without LAW & ORDER IN PLACE we can kiss our ASS
GOODBYE, this is 2020 just after the 4th of July of what happens with no LAW.
(read the comments) on the video while you at it, that's AMERICAN people.👏
 COMMENTS : >  The democrat governor and democrat 
mayor, are destroying  New York !  They 
should be impeached, and held responsible! 
You're wasting your breath speaking to Democrats, 
they cannot comprehend a word you're saying. 
They're so full of hate they can't think straight.
They twist anyone's word just to fit their agenda.  
They should report the news not make up the stories, 
it's NOT hate that they have, it goes DEEPER in the rabbit hole.
Dems have a agenda & part of that AGENDA is to CRIPPLE
America to the point of NO RETURN! ! ! ! 
Democrat Mayors and governors are promoting lawlessness,
They will not get their citizens vote red for Law and Order! ! 🙌


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