NOW is the time to change our ways in life
These day's our lives are VERY uncertain on what's gonna happen next
& it's not going to get better til we WAKE up & see the REAL facts of life
we have been rail roaded since the wars of congress in office controlling us.
We have been used abused & accused of god knows what over the years
we have been taken for a ride that has taken us OVER the cliffs of hell
we have been controlled every which way they could find & NOW THIS.
Since Trump has been in office the Dems have done EVERYTHING they
know to get him out & this is just ANOTHER way they are trying to do
what they HAVEN'T succeeded at YET so they can keep us down in life.
People we really need to think ahead & be prepping for the future on this
cause tomorrow isn't promised & if your not prepared you gonna wish you
were, the signs of the times are showing what's ahead take time to LEARN.
I always say never let your guard down in these times cause we never know
what's to become from all this mess & just to show you what I mean take a
look at what this guy is saying & this isn't in just 1 area it's spreading about.
People think this crap won't Snowball they wrong, you got a car license fishing
lic, car ins, car register, a telephone that tracks us ALL along with a computer
People are so brainwashed they think they have no rights 95% of Americans
won't talk about things going on now they won't admit what they're seeing.
I don't know about you but what videos I've done watched and put on here I'd
say He has a lot of good points about what's going on if I was you or you Were
me what would you do? What would you think? This is where we are today.
Time to think for yourself the family in case something goes crazy like what
People are talking these days virus & the government of Congress (dems)
Cuz all they want to do is control you and keep you down and stressed out.
If you got a place to store food dry goods like a basement or a shed I'd be
thinking about it and then putting it into action cuz things are going to
change and if you're not ready or prepared you gonna be left out & die.
NOW you see where this is going? times has come where the dems wanted
to get rid of COWS well HELLO ! ! ! seems like they are surely doing it &
they don't care WHO they hurt or what they have to do to get it DONE.
So do your SELF a favor & do what you can to do what needs to be done
& stock up with can meats & dry goods paper goods & learn EVERYTHING
there is to learn on getting through the hard times that's coming OUR WAY.
Saving $ is the main thing 1st off just Cause of this reason so you have money
on hand when you can't do nothing else, you have cash on hand to stay alive &
can get the things you need & we're not talking IN the banks but at HOME.
I hope you have stayed on here to watch ALL the videos & has learned a
little something on here about where our times are HEADING right now
cause this isn't just for a few MOS but this is going into the NEW norm.
Thank you for stopping by & getting the info on how our times are changing
& we ALL have to adapt to what's coming in the coming mos ahead to live in
don't shrug this off cause this isn't a joke or a brank this is the REAL DEAL.
& it's not going to get better til we WAKE up & see the REAL facts of life
we have been rail roaded since the wars of congress in office controlling us.
We have been used abused & accused of god knows what over the years
we have been taken for a ride that has taken us OVER the cliffs of hell
we have been controlled every which way they could find & NOW THIS.
Since Trump has been in office the Dems have done EVERYTHING they
know to get him out & this is just ANOTHER way they are trying to do
what they HAVEN'T succeeded at YET so they can keep us down in life.
cause tomorrow isn't promised & if your not prepared you gonna wish you
were, the signs of the times are showing what's ahead take time to LEARN.
I always say never let your guard down in these times cause we never know
what's to become from all this mess & just to show you what I mean take a
look at what this guy is saying & this isn't in just 1 area it's spreading about.
lic, car ins, car register, a telephone that tracks us ALL along with a computer
People are so brainwashed they think they have no rights 95% of Americans
won't talk about things going on now they won't admit what they're seeing.
I don't know about you but what videos I've done watched and put on here I'd
say He has a lot of good points about what's going on if I was you or you Were
me what would you do? What would you think? This is where we are today.
Time to think for yourself the family in case something goes crazy like what
People are talking these days virus & the government of Congress (dems)
Cuz all they want to do is control you and keep you down and stressed out.
thinking about it and then putting it into action cuz things are going to
change and if you're not ready or prepared you gonna be left out & die.
to get rid of COWS well HELLO ! ! ! seems like they are surely doing it &
they don't care WHO they hurt or what they have to do to get it DONE.
So do your SELF a favor & do what you can to do what needs to be done
& stock up with can meats & dry goods paper goods & learn EVERYTHING
there is to learn on getting through the hard times that's coming OUR WAY.
Saving $ is the main thing 1st off just Cause of this reason so you have money
on hand when you can't do nothing else, you have cash on hand to stay alive &
can get the things you need & we're not talking IN the banks but at HOME.
little something on here about where our times are HEADING right now
cause this isn't just for a few MOS but this is going into the NEW norm.
Thank you for stopping by & getting the info on how our times are changing
& we ALL have to adapt to what's coming in the coming mos ahead to live in
don't shrug this off cause this isn't a joke or a brank this is the REAL DEAL.
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