the times we live in 2020
@porwest>Jim Bauer
This is the one thing people tend to miss ALL THE TIME. Nearly ALL
of the people calling Trump out for all he is doing wrong (supposedly)
are ALL people who have been "running" this country for DECADES
AND DECADES. They are the ones who ran the show, they are the ones
who created the laws. They will tell you time and time that things TAKE
TIME to go one direction or another...
And yet Trump has somehow destroyed everything in three years? Come on.
Who are they trying to kid? I think the sad part is that the left DOES know all
about what Trump has accomplished. It is part of the reason they dislike him
so much. BECAUSE HIS POLICIES ARE WORKING! And that flies in the
face of the entire liberal, democrat, progressive movement...If Trump's policies
work, which they DO, then the democrats and the liberal movement loses ALL
OF ITS POWER over the people. If people can clothe themselves, house
themselves, feed themselves, and take care of themselves without the help of
the government then there is no carrots for the democrats to dangle in front
of the people and tow them around like the donkey's they don't realize they are.
I wish it were not the truth. But it just is. One HAS to remember that the
DEMOCRATS were pro-slavery. The DEMOCRATS were anti-Civil Rights
movement and PRO-segregation. The KKK was founded by and largely made
up of DEMOCRATS. One major voice in the party was none other than Robert
Byrd who created a chapter of the KKK. Lyndon B. Johnson once said,
on tape, that "the n****s are getting kind of restless."
Why do I bring this up? Because I have LONG BELIEVED that the democrat
party has spent decades and DECADES continuing a form of slavery. They have
long held their power over minorities and the underclass. They DO it through
the welfare system, setting minimum wage laws, housing programs and other
programs ALL specifically designed to make it damn difficult to get OFF THE
DOLE once you are on it, and by disincentivizing WORK which proportionately
limits benefits and limits the gain FROM getting a paycheck over welfare benefits.
As soon as these people go to work the wage line is JUST ENOUGH to disqualify
these people for benefits, and suddenly they cannot AFFORD their housing
especially, and other things that go along with that. The DEMOCRATS created
welfare and wrote these bills. If you are poor, the idea is you will always be poor
because the democrats have made it virtually impossible to get off the system—
and if they are providing for your every need then they have full and
complete power over your life...
Which is EXACTLY what their aim is.
here's SOMETHING else to think about if the Democrats GET into office
Democratic Socialist Countries 2020
This is the one thing people tend to miss ALL THE TIME. Nearly ALL
of the people calling Trump out for all he is doing wrong (supposedly)
are ALL people who have been "running" this country for DECADES
AND DECADES. They are the ones who ran the show, they are the ones
who created the laws. They will tell you time and time that things TAKE
TIME to go one direction or another...
And yet Trump has somehow destroyed everything in three years? Come on.
Who are they trying to kid? I think the sad part is that the left DOES know all
about what Trump has accomplished. It is part of the reason they dislike him
so much. BECAUSE HIS POLICIES ARE WORKING! And that flies in the
face of the entire liberal, democrat, progressive movement...If Trump's policies
work, which they DO, then the democrats and the liberal movement loses ALL
OF ITS POWER over the people. If people can clothe themselves, house
themselves, feed themselves, and take care of themselves without the help of
the government then there is no carrots for the democrats to dangle in front
of the people and tow them around like the donkey's they don't realize they are.
I wish it were not the truth. But it just is. One HAS to remember that the
DEMOCRATS were pro-slavery. The DEMOCRATS were anti-Civil Rights
movement and PRO-segregation. The KKK was founded by and largely made
up of DEMOCRATS. One major voice in the party was none other than Robert
Byrd who created a chapter of the KKK. Lyndon B. Johnson once said,
on tape, that "the n****s are getting kind of restless."
Why do I bring this up? Because I have LONG BELIEVED that the democrat
party has spent decades and DECADES continuing a form of slavery. They have
long held their power over minorities and the underclass. They DO it through
the welfare system, setting minimum wage laws, housing programs and other
programs ALL specifically designed to make it damn difficult to get OFF THE
DOLE once you are on it, and by disincentivizing WORK which proportionately
limits benefits and limits the gain FROM getting a paycheck over welfare benefits.
As soon as these people go to work the wage line is JUST ENOUGH to disqualify
these people for benefits, and suddenly they cannot AFFORD their housing
especially, and other things that go along with that. The DEMOCRATS created
welfare and wrote these bills. If you are poor, the idea is you will always be poor
because the democrats have made it virtually impossible to get off the system—
and if they are providing for your every need then they have full and
complete power over your life...
Which is EXACTLY what their aim is.
here's SOMETHING else to think about if the Democrats GET into office
Democratic Socialist Countries 2020
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