Immigrants INVADING our country

I have found a video that tells us the REAL truth about the crisis's we are UNDER
with the Immigrants crossing over the border & taking OUR resource's left & right
pushing our nation to the LIMIT of pushing US out & taking over OUR country. 😠

I WARN you this is NOT for the young kids to hear take them OUT of the room
OR use head phones so they can't hear what's being said cause they  don't need to
hear this in SO many ways, but DOES need to be shared to those that don't know.

I have never been 1 to look for the way things are going with our country NOW I
wish I had of cause now we are being SWAMPED by Immigrants across OUR
country from ALL sides & that's just not right or fair to the american people. 😢

Here is a post I done on another blog I have been working on for awhile & this 
1 was in the wrong place cause of the type of blog it is, it doesn't work on the 
blog page I wrote it on, so if your interested in politics & what's going on then 
this fits on here to give you more insight about what's not been seen or heard.

If you think it's a joke I got NEWS for you it's NOT, not by a LONG shot it's REAL
& we the PEOPLE has to make a stand somewhere & let the Gov in office KNOW
we're not standing for this & there's SOMETHING that can & SHOULD be done.

Democrats are not protecting the american people & we HAVE to protect our selves
they are protecting THEIR interest not OURS, we the PEOPLE have to make a stand
for OUR rights OUR freedom OUR country OUR people, we have that right to do so.
People this isn't the way GOD intended for us to enjoy life on this earth HE
provided for us, & with the way the gov in ALL areas & with ALL issues it
goes to show how much they REALLY care for our nation & OUR people.
This is a MAJOR issue that we can't take lightly, this will effect EVERY person
in our states ACROSS the border, this isn't the wizard of Oz anymore or a fairy
tail this is REAL! ! & it's HAPPENING right in our faces & on OUR lands. 💩
It's really a shame that young kids & families are in the situation their in & trying
to survive the best way they can but if their Gov would DO MORE than they are
they wouldn't be in this like they are but instead, they rather put people in danger.

I hope I haven't lost you with all this but I felt this had to be put into your lap as
to open your eyes & ears & get you to know just WHERE we are in this world
we live in & to be HONEST with you, if things don't change it's going to be BAD.


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