We deserve a better LIFE
There's a lot of things in this world that goes on that we don't get told about
& it's really sad that we are left out of the loop of what ALL GOES on & not
told about when WE the PEOPLE should be able to KNOW, the 1st to KNOW.
It's OUR nation OUR world OUR LIVES that are put on the line everyday &
for us not to be told the WHOLE truth & be jerked around & lied to isn't fair
& sure isn't right ! ! we're being played but not paid, we're nothing but pawns.
I have never as long as I have been on this earth been interested in the political
HOGWASH that goes on till Trump got to be our president & I've been GLUED
to the news since DAY 1 & why is that? cause I feel he's the man for the nation.
I have watched everything about what's going on in our nation since Trump got
into office & the man has done NOTHING to deserve the treatment he's getting
from the democrats & everyone that has a hate for him, he don't deserve the hate.
He's a man that didn't NEED the job but he took it cause he has been watching
how the nation, the PEOPLE have been treated by the democrats & he wanted to
make a change & ALL he has got has been hate & that's just not right or FAIR.
Trump has done NOTHING but try to get the nation BACK on it's feet from where
the Democrats have put it with high prices & LOW pay, he has done everything he
can to help the nation be MORE protected from our enemies MS-13, & other gangs.
He has tried to get the funding for the boarder protection WE SO DESPERATELY
NEED & keep the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS OUT that bring drugs & crimes &
violence into our nation but that don't seem to matter when it comes to democrats.
you listen to what this disgrace of a person is saying & all she has done since
she's been in office as a democrat & that will tell you just what kind of LEADER
she is & has been she's NOT for the people or our nation but only HERSELF. 😡
Do yourself a favor & LOOK at the comments on ALL the videos on who's
side their on & how they feel about who's doing what & why the nation is like
it is & how the PEOPLE want change & tired of the same HOGWASH we get.
This is the VERY people that has thrown the can over the bridge as in not doing
what is right for the people & have the guts to stand there & LIE to our face & tell
us their for the people when we KNOW they aren't for no one but them selves. 💔
I can't stand to listen to those that are 2 faced, back stabbing, lairs, & think they
are FOR the people when they KNOW for a FACT they are lying to our faces &
think we're going to take what they say is the truth REALLY? I don't think so.
This right here ought to clear things up for those that are thinking Trump is NOT
the right person for our nation & for the people, this is the VERY thing that needs
to be talked about with those that are against the 1 MAN that is doing his ALL for us.
There are those that have their thoughts on the wrong side of the fence & then there's
those that have watched what has been going on over the years that KNOWS what's
going on & those are the ones that are TIRED of the same B/S hogwash every year.
Think about what this man is saying & HOW this country would be if the LEFT
was president O M G ! really this would be such a travesty to our very country
that you would be GLAD Trump got voted as our president but it'd be too late.
I have listened to this for at LEST 3-4 times trying to see or HEAR anything wrong
with what he is saying & from everything he has said to everything he has done so
far & everything that's going on from the democrats I see NOTHING wrong with it.
WHAT I DO SEE & HEAR is from the democrats that they have a major problem
in dealing with doing what's right & doing what the Americans NEED & want in this
country & for SOME REASON they just don't get the CONCEPT of that, why is that?
Cause they want us to BOW down to THEIR commands & THEIR ways, they can't
handle this nation without crimes & devastation & corruption & suffering in some
form or fashion, do you hear ANYTHING about Illegals or Immigrants in this song?
Thank you for tuning in & leaving your thoughts on all this, please stay safe & sound
YOUR voice on what you think about what's going on & how we can make a change
for the future of lives that MATTER I'll have more on this if your interested god bless.
& it's really sad that we are left out of the loop of what ALL GOES on & not
told about when WE the PEOPLE should be able to KNOW, the 1st to KNOW.
It's OUR nation OUR world OUR LIVES that are put on the line everyday &
for us not to be told the WHOLE truth & be jerked around & lied to isn't fair
& sure isn't right ! ! we're being played but not paid, we're nothing but pawns.
I have never as long as I have been on this earth been interested in the political
HOGWASH that goes on till Trump got to be our president & I've been GLUED
to the news since DAY 1 & why is that? cause I feel he's the man for the nation.
I have watched everything about what's going on in our nation since Trump got
into office & the man has done NOTHING to deserve the treatment he's getting
from the democrats & everyone that has a hate for him, he don't deserve the hate.
He's a man that didn't NEED the job but he took it cause he has been watching
how the nation, the PEOPLE have been treated by the democrats & he wanted to
make a change & ALL he has got has been hate & that's just not right or FAIR.
the Democrats have put it with high prices & LOW pay, he has done everything he
can to help the nation be MORE protected from our enemies MS-13, & other gangs.
He has tried to get the funding for the boarder protection WE SO DESPERATELY
NEED & keep the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS OUT that bring drugs & crimes &
violence into our nation but that don't seem to matter when it comes to democrats.
she's been in office as a democrat & that will tell you just what kind of LEADER
she is & has been she's NOT for the people or our nation but only HERSELF. 😡
side their on & how they feel about who's doing what & why the nation is like
it is & how the PEOPLE want change & tired of the same HOGWASH we get.
This is the VERY people that has thrown the can over the bridge as in not doing
what is right for the people & have the guts to stand there & LIE to our face & tell
us their for the people when we KNOW they aren't for no one but them selves. 💔
are FOR the people when they KNOW for a FACT they are lying to our faces &
think we're going to take what they say is the truth REALLY? I don't think so.
This right here ought to clear things up for those that are thinking Trump is NOT
the right person for our nation & for the people, this is the VERY thing that needs
to be talked about with those that are against the 1 MAN that is doing his ALL for us.
those that have watched what has been going on over the years that KNOWS what's
going on & those are the ones that are TIRED of the same B/S hogwash every year.
was president O M G ! really this would be such a travesty to our very country
that you would be GLAD Trump got voted as our president but it'd be too late.
with what he is saying & from everything he has said to everything he has done so
far & everything that's going on from the democrats I see NOTHING wrong with it.
WHAT I DO SEE & HEAR is from the democrats that they have a major problem
in dealing with doing what's right & doing what the Americans NEED & want in this
country & for SOME REASON they just don't get the CONCEPT of that, why is that?
handle this nation without crimes & devastation & corruption & suffering in some
form or fashion, do you hear ANYTHING about Illegals or Immigrants in this song?
Thank you for tuning in & leaving your thoughts on all this, please stay safe & sound
YOUR voice on what you think about what's going on & how we can make a change
for the future of lives that MATTER I'll have more on this if your interested god bless.
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